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1.5J Solar power Energizer

pubdate :2022-04-22  hits : 177

The electric fence control system consists of a high-voltage pulser and front-end conductive cable. High voltage pulse generator periodically produces a continuous high voltage pulse, when the animal is close to and in contact with the front-end conductive cable, the live cable will give the animal that comes into contact with it a strong high-voltage blow, although the pulse lasts for a short time, but this high voltage is enough to give the animals that come into contact with it a stern warning, after the animal is subjected to this "severe warning", it will form a conditioned reflex, it will no longer easily touch the front-end live cable, and the animals in the area will be active in the area surrounded by the front-end live cable , so as to achieve the purpose of captive animals.
This feature of electric fences has helped more and more farmers manage their farms easily and quickly, greatly reducing the losses caused by animal escape. At the same time, it can also block the threat of animals in the region.