

Commercially farmed pigs are easy to control with electric fencing as they have very little hair and large, wet noses. Intelligent animals, pigs quickly learn to respect and avoid electric fences.

To safely contain pigs you need an energiser that maintains a minimum of 3,000 volts on the fence line and, depending on the length and complexity of the paddocks, a minimum of 1.5 stored joules. Remember that voltage levels and the shock received by the animal are affected by vegetation on the fence line, length of fence and type of wire.

Tips for Pig Fencing
With fence wires close to the ground always ensure vegetation on the fence wire is kept to a minimum. Piglets kept with your pigs will require wires to be spaced closer together and lower to the ground than adult pigs alone.


Most commercial pig herds are kept in paddocks which have divisions consisting of two wires only. These are placed about 25cms (10 inches) above ground and 45cms (18 inches) above ground.

For a secure boundary fence which will also exclude foxes, consider a 9 wire fence approximately 120cms (4ft) high, using stranded steel wire. With the fence wired alternatively live/earth a fox scrambling over or jumping between wires will receive a shock even though his feet are off the ground.